Vie Velo tandem club, Invitation to taster events June 2025

DCC members - Please read the email below from Vie Velo. If anyone is interested in volunteering then contact Simon direct, thanks.
Dear Shaun and Bruce,
I am a board trustee with Vie Velo, a tandem club that supports the visually impaired (VI) in Edinburgh and the Lothians. We are organising a C2C tour in the South of Scotland in the first week of June next year. We will also have townhall meetups to engage with local VI communities with one in Newton Stewart/Wigtown on 2nd June and another in Dumfries on 3rd June.
It occurred to me you might have some members who would like to give piloting tandems a go to find out if it is something they like and would like to do. One of the aims of our ride is to stimulate interest and to grow the number of volunteer pilots in the area and develop more tandem riding options for the visually impaired in the South of Scotland as they are poorly served at present. If your club is looking for ways to be more inclusive and develop that capability in the future then this would be an ideal opportunity for learning and experimenting.
I look forward to hearing your thoughts on participating in some way. We are currently working up plans for talks and stands inside the venue and ride tasters outside.
Best wishes,
Board Trustee - Vie Velo
Mobile: 07917503240