Saturday Club Runs

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Start times are:

09:15 for GROUP 1 (19 mph+ group, slower in winter) 

09:17 for GROUP 2 (16-18 mph group, slower in winter) 

Meet at Queen of the South Arena car park, Lochfield Road, Dumfries. Routes for Saturday club runs are displayed in advance on website - anyone planning to attend should take note of the route!

Saturday Club runs are 50-55 miles.

For long runs (70 miles+) alternative start times may be advertised.

Usually, the routes for Saturday Club runs will normally be published the Wednesday beforehand.


Group 1 is normally a fast-paced ride and although not a race riders will be tested in this group in the spirit of friendly competition. Chain-ganging will feature so you will need good bike handling, skills and fitness. Don't worry if you’re gapped off, as the group will be constantly checking on each other and give you a couple of opportunities to rejoin. If a rider starts to struggle, this should be communicated to the rest of the group and a decision to drop back to the following group should be made.


Group 2 will typically have riders who have been training for a good part of the season and who have increased and maintained their stamina and strength.  In these groups there will be team-work as with group 1 but perhaps not as ‘competitively’.  Nonetheless bike handling skills and riding in a group will be needed. A good tempo for fitness will normally be set. As with all groups in the Club, communication is essential especially if the Group decide to ride in a chain-gang or if someone is not feeling so good that day.


Group 2 is a good place to join the club having as it does, experienced riders who can give advice and encouragement in a non-competitive ride.

If you normally ride at 15mph then you will be able to keep up with Group 2 as you will ride faster in a group with experienced riders at the front. 

If the 50 mile distance is too much to begin with then you can ride with the group for part of the ride and as your fitness improves each week you will soon be able to do the full 50 miles. 

Advice to members

Pot-holes are a hazard in both summer and winter. Please continue to point and alert fellow cyclists but above all everyone should be vigilant.

For those relatively new to club cycling remember Sections 163 and 213 of the highway code - cars should pass at a SPD (safe passing distance) but this is not always possible on changing road widths so do communicate as a group. Please be courteous when possible acknowledging good, patient driving from motorists.

Rules 59-82 of the Highway code are for cyclists. Riding two abreast is acceptable but single file may be needed especially when the road narrows to single track. Please communicate oncoming traffic and ‘tail’ traffic amongst your group.

There are rarely occasions when it is necessary to change a route during a ride. Therefore members are reminded to stick to the posted ride.

3rd Party Insurance

Riders must be covered by personal 3rd party Insurance (This is available through Cycling UK, British Cycling, CTT or TLI).